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Hinders sales


I want to thank Gerry Friedel for his thoughtful input last week concerning the town council’s vote pertaining to limiting the use of A-frame signs, that I also believe hinders sales opportunities for our small business owners in Fountain Hills.

What also concerned me was “supposedly” the due diligence by the four board members that voted “yes” to change the ordinance was in fact proven, according to Gerry, to not be the case. When is the election? Unfortunately, a couple of the four have four years before their term is up; we will have to be patient.

A couple of years ago I was a part of a Chamber’s Leads Group Committee that was looking for input from business owners in Fountain Hills. The moderator asked, “What would we tell a friend the reasons that they should start a business in Fountain Hills?” It came to my turn for input and I said, “I would not tell them to do so.” “Why?” came the shouts from the other participants. Simple, we don’t always support business owners in Fountain Hills. Four members of the council proved me correct again.

Thanks again, Gerry. Good luck to our small business owners and realtors. You are on your own.