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General Plan


Shortly after we moved to Fountain Hills, I took part in a Saturday event for Vision Fountain Hills. I found this to be quite informative, but the best takeaway for me was that it was obvious that there are many residents that take the town seriously and want it to continue to thrive.

Now, five years later, the town has put together an updated General Plan, as required by State law. If you have not had a chance to read the plan or the shorter version of it on the town’s website, I encourage you to do so (fh.az.gov/generalplan2020). I know I learned quite a bit about the town and was very impressed with the plan.

If you haven’t already voted in the coming election, please take a close look at the ballot and find Proposition 450 and vote to accept the plan. This will save the expense and time that would be needed to have more meetings and make changes to the plan and submit it again to the voters with that additional expense. If you read the plan, I think you will find it well done and a reflection of what we all want our town to be.