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Al Southall is absolutely correct on one point in his letter, “Bystanders,” in The Times last Wednesday. His last sentence, “Education is everything, isn’t it?” is very true.

In the interest of education I would suggest Mr. Southall seek some readily available source material that would give him something to consider other than his fear of Donald Trump being President. Entering the words “Trump accomplishments” in an online search will provide several links to sites that will give him a spectrum of opinions, facts, charts, etc., not all in support of President Trump.

Mr. Southall may not come to the conclusion that voters were not fooled in the 2016 election but chose Trump with the knowledge he would be the person that would respond to the needs of our country first and work with other nations to foster freedom.

Republican voters are not bystanders; they are actively promoting the freedom that allows each and every person the opportunity to enjoy success by making educated decisions for their own success. Republicans are turning out for meetings looking for ways to get involved in the 2020 race. It is abhorrent to them to hear Democrat candidates for president promote establishing a government directed by a small elite group that will determine the path of living for all the masses of folks that Democrats believe just aren’t smart enough to make their own decisions

That thought is absolutely frightening.