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Responding to Sherri James’ support for Democrats, I cannot give a rebuttal because my wife and I came here from Colorado Springs a year ago, but I offer this for consideration. In any U.S. election, candidates are typically put forth by the two main political parties, and so must support the party line. So, let us look at some of achievements of the Democrat party line.

Democrats are opening our southern border to hordes of unvetted immigrants with no plan for their support once in the country. Onward to the crippling of our energy independence, causing gasoline prices to double. Continuation of the irresponsible federal spending, causing an unprecedented increase in our money supply which is now manifest in permanent inflation. Next, the intentional U.S. confrontation with Russia over Ukraine in which a vital foreign policy interest cannot be found. NATO? Ukraine is not a member of NATO.

Their last-but-not-least achievement could be the establishment of a Ministry of Disinformation so that any citizen who objects to any Democrat policy initiative can be identified and punished. Therefore, with these few examples it should be obvious that Democrats are determined to destroy our Republic, and their candidates must support the party line. As the old Italian saying goes, a fish stinks from the head down.