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Decision time


Unfortunately, everything stated during our mayoral/town council campaign has not been completely forthright. In fact, some recent political ads have included blatant lies. But one thing is certain, after our votes are counted, misleading statements created from twisted pieces of factual information and idealistic political rhetoric will come to a close and the community will be left with its leadership for the next two years.

Now that the candidate forums are over and all questions raised by The Times have been answered, it is up to voters to make informed choices.

When thinking about who to vote for, beware, history has shown that candidate consortiums have often had hidden agendas; agendas camouflaged by misleading statements supported by radical self-interest groups.

Because Fountain Hills is a small town, it’s important to have a mayor and council that will focus their attention on the quality of life amenities that make Fountain Hills so unique, not use the platform to advance their business careers or future political ambitions.

Fountain Hills needs leadership that can deliver on its “promises” in the next two to four years, not waste staff time on unrealistic nonsense. And when it comes to issues that affect us all, everything should be discussed in the open, not secretly behind closed doors. Our next mayor and council should be trustworthy and transparent.

It’s decision time.