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Say “no” to Daybreak, loud and clear!

We own a home here, we pay taxes here, shop here and eat at the restaurants. But what the Town Council’s five members did in their vote to approve the zoning change to allow a 400-unit apartment complex at the corner of Shea and Palisades to be built is outrageous! It is a life-threatening disaster waiting to happen, if approved. I suggest the five members sit in their cars on Palisades near the proposed site and imagine an additional number of cars and trucks generated by these apartment dwellers to this already dangerous thoroughfare.

We have counted the number of commercial vehicles, averaging 25-30 an hour. It already is being used as a race track. We have been here for 11 years and have continued to marvel at the beautiful, welcoming entrance to Fountain Hills. Just imagine what a disgrace to arrive at this entrance to be welcomed by a three-story, 400-unit apartment complex right amongst high-end single family homes. See any sense to this?

We assisted in gathering the needed signatures for the referendum and we had citizens standing in line to sign. Isn’t this telling the council the feelings of the residents? How can these elected members disregard the desires of its citizens?

We must remember, “no” is the vote. If it must be developed, wait until a more compatible plan comes along that will be profitable to the town as well as keeping the residents safer!