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Chlorine curse


Seems like it began just yesterday. It’s been 7 years and the chlorine curse, like any good curse, continues to jinx the L.A. Dodgers. They took the best record in the National League, the biggest payroll in baseball and a team filled with superstars into the first round of the playoffs and, in dramatic fashion, lost to the Washington Nationals last night at Dodger Stadium.

In 2013 the Dodgers clinched the National League West Championship at Chase Field in Phoenix Arizona. After their win they proceeded to celebrate by jumping in the Chase Field swimming pool and unwittingly placing a 100-year baseball curse on their team and their franchise. From the moment they jumped in the Dbacks’ pool, the 100-year chlorine curse was cast on them.

Ever since that fateful day they have exited the season without achieving a final World Series victory; this year was no exception. They failed again, just as they will for another 92 years. Baseball curses last 100-plus years. Just ask the Red Sox’s “curse of the bambino,” Cubs’ “billy goat curse,” and now the Dodgers’ “chlorine curse.”

I love watching the indisputable nuances of baseball, once again, reveal their diabolical powers over the Dodgers.