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The most recent debate between Joe Biden and President Donald Trump was a lively discussion of many issues. But, in my opinion, the single most poignant moment of the night came near the end of their exchanges with Mr. Biden’s contrast of the character of the candidates.

Interestingly, it happens that the week of October 18-24 was National Character Counts Week, so proclaimed by President Trump on Oct. 16. The first line of his proclamation reads, “The foundation of any free and virtuous society is the moral character of its people.” Perhaps it should be added that we rightfully expect our leaders to demonstrate this moral character.

Of equal interest, less than a month before that proclamation the former Attorney General, two-term Governor (1992 and 1996), Republican National Committee chair (2002 and 2003) and chairman of the reelection campaign for George W. Bush (2003-2004), Marc Racicot of Montana, had made known his intention to vote for Mr. Biden despite policy differences.

In an interview on Yellowstone Public Radio (Sept. 29), Mr. Racicot stated in part, “…even as a Republican, I will not be supporting Donald Trump for President, and I will not be voting for him.” Also, he said, “But at the end, the content of a man’s character or a woman’s character to serve in that capacity is more important than any other issue that I have to consider as a matter of conscience.”