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Border plan?


Hobbs Border Plan: Let’s Bring More.

A thirty-second commercial depicts gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs, law enforcement in tow, proudly proclaiming her plan for the border.

Her website plan has two parts, state and federal. First, Arizona will send more taxpayer money to law enforcement and community centers. In other words let’s make the process workable for the long haul. The state plan does not address the flow of fentanyl across the border, forced prostitution, gang members, or other byproducts of the unrestricted migrant surge. A justification she offers for endorsing illegal immigration is the unfilled job openings in Arizona. How many positions might possibly be filled by people who can neither read nor write English was not addressed.

Second, Hobbs wishes the federal government would spend more taxpayer money to increase staff at ports of entry and at the immigration courts. She also calls for the federal government to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation (but wait - haven’t we all been waiting for decades?).

Chief among her wish list is a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. How many unvetted immigrants are enough, Katie?