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May I ask why are we even still talking about A-frame signs in this wonderful town of Fountain Hills? At least now the mayor and those council members who voted, it seems without doing their homework, to restrict A-frame signs have wisely altered course. This, due to overwhelming objections from businesses and Fountain Hills residents.

Thank you, Gerry Friedel, for taking a stand and pointing out the details of the sad decisions made back in May. We should remember that May vote when those inconsiderate council members decide to run for re-election.

If I owned a small business, I would want to do well and would want my competitors to do well, also. I like to patronize all local businesses whenever I can. This is the trickledown effect from Washington, where certain liberals and the big corporate clowns want to control small businesses by creating unnecessary bureaucratic regulations. These regulations not only affect large cities, but also small-town America.

You’d think that the mayor, councilmembers and the town staff would want to research this issue thoroughly before passing the ordinance that will affect so many. It’s obvious, with their vote on June 15, that Gerry Friedel’s facts and the community pressure made a difference.

Small businesses in America employ more people than do the big corporations. We won't thrive without the little guy. Many small businesses have been hurt by COVID-19 and are now having problems hiring help.

In regards to the signs causing accidents, there are many bicyclists who ride around town – which I am not against – but you have to be careful when you’re driving. No accidents have been caused by viewing A-frame signs. So, knock it off and support your local merchants. What’s the next thing the mayor will want to control by unnecessary regulations?