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Pondering political paralysis


Pondering the political paralysis in Washington, D.C. over the recent weeks I have concluded that it is time to throw off the shackles of decades of non-partisan voter registration and sign on with one of the “Big Two” political parties.

I believe we have a largely dysfunctional government because nearly 40 percent of registered voters (Gallup number for Independents, 2010) have chosen, or have been manipulated by rules, to standing on the sidelines of the system.

We can conclude that the system we have has evolved over the two-plus centuries since we have had government, and it is what it is, and it won’t easily change, and any effort to improve will require active participation from everyone.

Few will argue that fringes on both sides have consolidated their power within the parties and by refusing to enter non-partisan independents are conceding their representation to those marginal players.

A key example is that the Tea Party has found its clout within the Republican Party. Without working inside the major party there would be no such influence. It also shows that a much smaller group than those designated as independent can make a difference to the system.

If the Independents began to sign on with the party they believe suits them best the marginal influence would become diluted, candidates and politicians would no longer need to fear challenges from special interests, and just maybe Washington would start to serve the best interests of everyone.

Those touting independent registration are making claims to major inroads into the system. If that were true there would be some significant player willing to lead the charge.

Independence is what you make of it. Remember in a General Election you can cast your vote for any name on the ballot you wish. Just be sure to vote.